![]() Loot | History | Cast | Production | Game | Quest <!-- added by jason whong - paste over top of added by Andrew Welch ->
Cythera has been released! It's currently at version 1.0.3. Go get it!
You can try it for free by visiting the Cythera Download Page.
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![]() A bit about Glenn Andreas![]() In addition to his work on Cythera, his work was instrumental in bringing some USB printers to market for the iMac. He loves professional wrestling and tequila.
A bit about Marcus CongeMarcus Conge is an independent designer who created the detailed artwork for Cythera and a few other Ambrosia games. A rabid Mac fanatic, he is well known for his empahisis on intelligent design principles. This discipline led him to become an instructor at the Rochester Institute of Technology.Marcus is the owner of Digital Manipulation, his design firm in Rochester, NY. He has no dogs, but he plays Crash Bandicoot fairly often.
A bit about this siteThe text of this site was written or compiled by Jason Whong of Ambrosia Software. Many thanks are due to the contributions of Glenn Andreas and Marcus Conge for their inspirational work on Cythera, and specifically for contributions unique to this site.