Books and Scrolls


This page, inspired by the superior Book Collection on Pallas Athene's website, contains the texts and locations for all the books and scrolls in the game. Each item is alphabetized by the first word in it's name; therefore, "A Translation of the Cipher Manuscript" is with the other A's, not the T's. The Aloiphos are alphabetized according to their whole names, while other books in a series are placed in a more canonical order. To read a book or scroll, click on the arrow beside its name to toggle the display. You may also download all the texts through the link below, or toggle all the displays by clicking on the button below.

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A Translation of the Cipher Manuscript
Location: Pnyx, 8th Degree Hall; First Stronghold

Alaric, Landking
Location: Land King Hall, Alaric's private study

Alaric's Government, an Analysis by Meclemelus
Location: Cademia, Naxos' quarters; Kosha, Myus' quarters

Aloiphos A
Location: Pnyx, main library; Pnyx, 4th Degree Hall

Aloiphos B
Location: Pnyx, main library; Pnyx, 5th Degree Hall

Aloiphos F
Location: Pnyx, main library; Pnyx, 7th Degree Hall

Aloiphos FD
Location: Pnyx, main library

Aloiphos J
Location: Pnyx, 4th Degree Hall

Aloiphos MJ
Location: Pnyx, main library; Pnyx, 5th Degree Hall

Aloiphos MRS
Location: Pnyx, main library

Aloiphos O
Location: Pnyx, main library; Pnyx, 6th Degree Hall

Aloiphos V
Location: Pnyx, main library; Pnyx, 6th Degree Hall

Aloiphos VA
Location: Pnyx, 8th Degree Hall

Aloiphos VD
Location: Pnyx, 8th Degree Hall

Aloiphos YA
Location: Pnyx, 8th Degree Hall

Aloiphos YD
Location: Pnyx, main library; Pnyx, 7th Degree Hall

Aloiphos YH
Location: Pnyx, main library

Aloiphos YS
Location: Pnyx, main library; Pnyx, 6th Degree Hall

An Account of Semius the Golem Hunter
Location: Catamarca, Citadel; Pnyx, main library

Basic Alchemical Potions
Location: Pnyx, main library

Basis of Magic
Location: Land King Hall, library; Pnyx, main library

Bestiary of Asilops, Common Beasts
Location: Land King Hall, library; Pnyx, 5th Degree Hall

Bestiary of Asilops, Uncommon Beasts
Location: Land King Hall, library; Pnyx, 5th Degree Hall

Bestiary of Asilops, Legendary Beasts
Location: Land King Hall, library; Pnyx, 5th Degree Hall

Bestiary of Asilops, Magickal Beasts
Location: Land King Hall, Alaric's quarters; Pnyx, 5th Degree Hall

Cademia, Mother City
Location: Land King Hall, library; Pnyx, 7th Degree Hall

Exploration of the Seldane Ruins by Timon
Location: Land King Hall, Alaric's quarters; Odemia, Sacas' private study; Charax's house

Flora and Fauna of Cythera
Location: Land King Hall, library; Pnyx, main library

History of Kythera
Location: Pnyx, main library; Pnyx, 4th Degree Hall

History of the Cipher Manuscript
Location: Pnyx, 8th Degree Hall; First Stronghold

Journal of Tavara
Location: First Stronghold

Lifecycle of Scylla
Location: Land King Hall, library; Pnyx, 4th Degree Hall

Lost Cult of Scylla
Location: Land King Hall, library; Pnyx, main library; Pnyx, 6th Degree Hall

Lost Settlement of Abydos
Location: Pnyx, 4th Degree Hall; Cademia, Anisa's house

Pnyx, City of Mystery
Location: Land King Hall, library

Prophecies of Neleneus the Savant, First Prophecy
Location: Pnyx, main library

Prophecies of Neleneus the Savant, Second Prophecy
Location: Cademia, Machaon's workshop

Prophecies of Neleneus the Savant, Third Prophecy
Location: Pnyx, main library; Cademia, Anisa's house; Cademia, Machaon's workshop

Report on the Hidden Chiefs and the Cult of Scylla
Location: Pnyx, underground tunnels

Sapphire Book of the Crown
Location: Land King Hall, Alaric's private study

Sapphire Book of Wisdom
Location: Abydos, Tavara's workshop

Sapphire Book of Understanding
Location: Pnyx, empty room in the southeast corner from the main library

Sapphire Book of Mercy
Location: Kosha, Itanos' study

Sapphire Book of Power
Location: Cademia, Machaon's workshop

Sapphire Book of Beauty
Location: Prusa carries it

Sapphire Book of Victory
Location: Loose dirt south of Odemia

Sapphire Book of Splendor
Location: Catamarca, hidden under Polydamas bed in the Citadel

Sapphire Book of Foundation
Location: Ayrit, Unhayt carries it

Sapphire Book of the Kingdom
Location: Cademia, Berossus' study in the northeast corner of the Tyrant's Castle

Seldane Ruins of Pnyx
Location: Land King Hall, Alaric's private study

Spas of Catamarca
Location: Land King Hall, library; Pnyx, 7th Degree Hall

Study of Timeflux
Location: Crab Cove, Idomeneus' skeleton

The Artifact of Pnyx
Location: Land King Hall, Alaric's private study

The Maze of Initiation
Location: Cult of Scylla


Crude Map
Location: Cademia, hidden in kindling on the eastern side of the slums

Kesh Note from the Ruffian Encampment
Location: Ruffian Encampment, northeastern building

Kidnapping Letter
Location: Abandoned Farmhouse, Eudoxus carries it

Letter from Berossus to Alaric
Location: Land King Hall, Alaric's quarters

Letter from Tavara to Aeacus
Location: Cult of Scylla, Aeacus' skeleton

Omen's Test #1
Location: Omen's Test, Part A

Omen's Test #2
Location: Omen's Test, Part A

Omen's Test #3
Location: Omen's Test, Part A

Omen's Test #4
Location: Omen's Test, Part B

Omen's Test #5
Location: Omen's Test, Part B

Wine Contract
Location: Cademia, Apis gives it to you if you accept the quest to renew her wine contract

Cythera's images, audio, and text are owned by Ambrosia Software Inc.