Many are the strange and weird animals in the wilds of Cythera (see the ‘Common Beasts’ volume for more details). Stranger, still, however, are the creatures rarely seen in the wilds, found, instead, in other terrains.
Giant Crab – Like its smaller (and tasty) cousin, the giant crab is normally found near the ocean, along the various shores of Cythera. They are especially fond of caves and caverns near said shorts. These creatures, however, are neither edible nor as innocuous as their smaller cousin. Instead, they are aggressive and dangerous, especially with their hard exoskeleton.
Ooze – This grey slime is found in various caves and caverns of Cythera. While not appearing to be dangerous, they are, in fact, poisonous. It, however, is rumored that they are very susceptible to fire.
Land Jellyfish – Like the Ooze, these creatures are found in caves and caverns. Also like the ooze, they are poisonous, but these creatures can also swim. They are to be treated like the ooze in other respects.
Giant Slug – If there were ever a more disgusting looking creature, one would be hard-pressed to find it. This sickly colored giant bag of moving rot and decay is normally found only in the caves and caverns of the land, feeding off both dead and not-so-dead creatures. Fortunately, it is relatively harmless, as well as easy to kill.
Scylla – At sea, there is no creature more feared than scylla, the sea monster. All that is normally seen is its massive head above water, as well as its tentacles (though sometimes just the tentacles are seen). No remains of this creature have been found, so it is assumed that the tentacles and the massive head are one creature. Scylla is the main reason that the Cytheran ancestors had to give up their original maritime lifestyle.