This page and its subpages contain the complete set of character dialogue from the Ambrosia Software game Cythera. It was collected, proofread, verified, and commented almost exclusively by BreadWorldMercy453 from the Cythera Web Board. Bryce provided some strings for prompts that do not appear in the game, and Wizard reformatted the dialogue for improved computer-readability so that it could be presented in a few different ways.
The dialogue may be accessed in three different forms from below:
The link above leads to a single ZIP file containing all of the dialogue in a folder heirarchy. Character-specific prompts appear under that character's name in their group, which is assigned based on location as done in the Cast page. Each character has affiliations which lead to generic prompts readable from the "Generic Prompts" folder. The root directory contains a detailed explanation of the dialogue format and generic prompt ordering in the "About" file. Because this download offers indented TXT files split into specific and generic prompts and provides a heirarchical layout, it is a very easy way to browse the dialogue on a computer.
For those who do not wish to download the dialogue files, the complete dialogue set is available as a single HTML file with all of the character responses in a flat form. This means that character-specific and generic prompts have been flattened to the same level so that they all appear under the character's name. This page is similar to the original presentation available through the old dialogue release when it was shared with the Cast page. It also includes an explanation of the markup format, similar to the downloadable files. It is most useful from mobile devices or for quick browser searches of a given prompt.
The dialogue is now available in a more interactive form, mirroring the question and answer format of the game. This page presents a dialogue window identical to the one from the game. You select who you speak to and progress through conversation exactly as you might while playing Cythera. Because you are not actually in the game, you must manually select the state of certain triggers (e.g. Have you reported the ruffian encampment to Sacas? Solved Opheltius' murder? etc.). Triggers automatically appear on dependent prompts. Other options are explained more fully on the page. This is a fun way of exploring the dialogue if you want to feel like you're playing the game while conversing.
Cythera's images, audio, and text are owned by Ambrosia Software Inc.