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Storm Valley is a short level but it ranks as one of the most annoying. There is a wind that constantly is blowing to the left and it pushes you in that direction. There are also occasional lightening flashes which illuminate the entire screen and makes seeing anything impossible. This makes jumping difficult and different techniques have to be used to make it out in one piece. This Secrets Guide will teach you how to conquor the wind and find all of the secrets. Read on! If you have any comments or problems with this guide, you can email me. I welcome all criticisms, good and bad.
When you enter you see a the sign in Picture 1 telling you of high winds. You don't need a sign to tell you that you move left when you want to stand still and that jumping becomes problematic. When you want to jump to the right, you have to always run before you jump to get enough speed. When you want to jump to the left, just do a regular jump because the wind will be giving you enough boost. You'll have to experiment to find out the best way to jump that works for you. For now, head to the right and meet a new enemy; the Grey Troll. He's tougher than the Green Troll and requires more of your Boomerang Spell to kill. You can see him smacking me with his axe in Picture 2. Try and stay as far away from as possible because he can't move when he's being hit. There is another new enemy that I call the Spiked Amadillo. It releases spikes and then curls up into a ball which makes it invulnerable. Just fire at its head after it uncurls and it will die quickly. Keep on going right until you make it to Picture 3. In Picture 3 you can see something glowing beneath Ferazel. Spin Jump until you come across a High Jump power up at the bottom. You will find this to be difficult because the tunnel is exactly the size of Ferazel so you need precision to land on just the right spot. If you hold right after spin jumping, you will have more control. After getting the High Jump power up, head left because above the tree is a ledge that you will want to climb up. Notice how Ferazel is giving you a nice view of the ledge in Picture 4.
At the top of the ledge is another new enemy that I call the Bat Troll. You can see it firing a fireball in Picture 5. They are pretty easy to kill and also rate high in the coolness factor. Sometimes their head falls off after being hit and their body still flies up and down while spraying blood. It's no Mortal Kombat (the blood is made up of visible pixels after all) but add in the head still shooting fireballs at you on the ground and you have an untypically cool enemy. There are three up here and some Gold Xichrons you can grab. Go left to find 4 boxes. The right two boxes contains 2 Big Health Crystals and 2 Big Magic Crystals as shown in Picture 6. They act just like regular crystals but refill more of your health and magic. The left two boxes in Picture 7 contains Fire Seeds and bags of money. You'll have to go back down and get the High Jump power up because you can jump up to the ledge above Ferazel's head in Pictures 6 and 7. Once you do that you will be in Picture 8 with another Mind Crystal and one more magic notch.
Head back down and go to the right until you come across Picture 9. You will have to jump on the platforms until you make it to Picture 10. Here you can go either left or right and if you go left on the rising platforms you will come across Picture 11. These crystals are Multi Crystals and increase the power of your magic by how many crystals that you have. Unfortunately, they break if you get hit by an enemy and so I recommend that you don't take them until you need to such as before you face a tough enemy. Save here if you'd like and head back to Picture 10 and go right.
You come across Picture 12 and some odd looking things that are springs. Getting too close to them will launch you in the air with little control. What you have to do is let the wind push you to the left until you are nearly touching the spring to your left and then run and jump to the right to land between the next two springs. In Picture 13 I am to the left of the Ziridium Brine and some Gold Xichrons. Some people in Ambrosia's Message Board report being able to cross over the springs to the right but it's extremely difficult since they are very close together. There is little room for error and any misstep sends you flying in the air. One person did say that there is a Rez Necklace over the springs but I have not been able to confirm this. In any case, you don't have to make it over the springs since this doesn't affect the Secrets Total. I theorize that it would be possible to make it to the Rez Necklace by using the Tree Trunk spell found later and will try it when I am able to. After you're done with this area, head back down and head to the right.
Be sure to push the box from behind the rock in Picture 14. It contains a Big Health Crystal. Keep on moving right over the spikes. You'll meet more Grey Trolls and Bat Trolls and soon come to a cannon in Picture 15. Shoot the cannon until it points to the right and hop in. Do the same thing to the next cannon until you're in Picture 16. Just be sure to get all of the Gold Xichrons.
Hop in the cannon in Picture 16 and press right so that you can land on the platform in Picture 17. You might not make it the first time since the platform is going up and down. Once you do hop to the platform in Picture 18 and head right to Picture 19 for two gold bags and a Multi Crystal. You might want to consider just climbing up to get the first gold bag and then heading down again. It's difficult to jump over the Multi Crystal to get the other gold bag without getting the Multi Crystal and I think that they should be saved for a boss. Head down again and go to the right.
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