How To, part 2

by Jason Whong

How to make everybody on the Internet jealous

To make up for the missing installments of Ramblings, we're putting in a second How To article this time. We
could call it
Cool Stuff or Jason's new Mac, or something like that. But think about this: have you ever seen
2 How To articles in the 'Times? Well, now you have! Innovative, no?

I feel awkward about this particular How To article. Originally, Dave was going to write it, but he got
swamped, so as any wise editor under deadline would do, I wrote this article. Of course, since this article is
about my new Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh, now I feel like I am bragging, which is completely not my

Now that I've got that out of the way, I just thought I would tell you all: this machine rocks. And Mars Rising
sounds incredible on it. If you've got the extra cash, this is the computer to get, solely because of its coolness

Step One: Carry it in

Even Hector's head turns at the sight of this ultra-cool box. America's obsession with packaging really shines
through here.

Step Two: Open the Box

This is the only red tape I had to cut through to get my hands on this beast.

Step Three: Feel it!

When I felt the Italian leather wristrests, I could feel how many people would be impressed by my new toy. I
could feel the future. I could feel destiny.

Step Four: Poke it

I don't remember what I was doing, but I guess it was pretty important. I like how they made a bunch of thin
cables into one thick one, so there is less of a mess.

Step Five: Check the Guts

You can never have enough RAM. Here I am dropping in a DIMM. Call me a dumb marketing boy if you will,
but I got it in on the first try.

Step Six: Admire it

See how nice it looks next to the PowerBook 3400 and the Quadra 605. Of course, I took the Twentieth
Anniversary Mac home, where I let my housemate Lori set it up (in under 5 minutes). Then we watched
Seinfeld on it.

So, that's everything. With 64MB of RAM, and an external hard drive, this is probably the best Mac I could
have ever bought. Which begs the question: why don't they make all Macs as sleek as this one?

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