Kudos and Criticism

by Ambrosia Software Users

This section features reader responses to Ambrosia's software & service. We will include the
good with the bad, and address any problems brought to our attention. These are real people
writing real letters about real issues. Feel free to drop us a line.

A Reply!

In response to Michael Dortch's article in the last AT...

Just a note to advise you that I'm 54.4 years old (12-unit system) and have never
enjoyed computer gaming more. I've had a Mac since 1984. Today I am the proud
new owner of a Power Computing PowerTowerPro 225 with 320 meg of ram, 2-
and a 4-gig 7200 rpm internal HDs, as well as internal zip & jaz drives. Pure computing
was more fun then -- you had to guess what was wrong more often than now and
ANY game was strategically important to one's ego. I even played (tested?) some of
Andrew Welch's early efforts, the names of which are long gone from my psyche.
Today's games (especially Ambrosia's) are far more appealing IMHO, to all age groups...
I don't see ANY gender OR age gap and sincerely hope Ambrosia's crew continue.
To contrast with some other commercial gaming crews, most games are nitch oriented.
Yes, there will always be a demand for games, at all age levels. Long live Ambrosia!

- Peter Stremic

The best part about this job is informing parents (and grandparents) how to clear the high scores in Bubble Trouble. You do it by holding the Option key down when clicking on the Scores graphic. Go Granny!

Bubble Trouble Blues

I wasn't sure if it was true at first but I think... [sob] I'm a Bubble Trouble addict!
Ever since my friend beat my high score I've been determined to reclaim my throne...
I'm glad to say that I have with a high score of 71,114! I don't know if that's good or
anything but... It's the best I could do... Also I really like Avara and Escape-Velocity.
Keep on pumping those games out (I plan to register mine ASAP). As always you
guys rule... LONG LIVE AMBROSIA! LONG LIVE HECTOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- WuzelWazel

Hey, keep tryin'. If Hector can open his cage door himself, then you can overcome your obstacle. At least you weren't meant to fly ;)

Wedding Worries

I want you to know how wonderful your Easy Envelopes shareware is. I had to address
approximately 100 wedding invitation envelopes and after spending much time trying
to get other programs to work, my sister told me about yours. It worked so easily,
quickly and perfectly, I couldn't believe it. Thank you, thank you. My future daughter-
in-law thinks I am super, but I know it was you.

- Happy Mom-in-Law

And thank you for the glowing endorsement. We wish the happy couple the best on their travels together. Um, is there any cake left?

Seeing Double?

I jumped into a system where there was _two_ persons called "Gayle Haarr" flying
'round in argosies. Have you cloned her?

- Scared Shuttlecraft Pilot

Aaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! It must be a bug. There just can't be two...


We love MacAddict, thanks for supporting them. The four year-old says "thanks for
putting in a demo and we like it."

- Jr. Penrod

We have to give an official "Thanks" to MacAddict Magazine and everyone at Imagine publishing. They have been instrumental in getting our products to those who are not yet online, and we wish them the best of success in their inaugural year. See them at a newsstand near you!

Registration Rush

You have had my registration fee for 8 hours and you have not acknowledged it! To
get rid of this message please remit receipt and license number. Thank you.

- Several Customers

We must apologize to everyone who may have been mislead by our online registration process. We have a system set up that processes our credit card charges once a day, and this fact tends to stretch out the process somewhat. Normal turnaround time for an order is 24 to 48 hours, excluding weekends. We are currently working on making the Web based registration system more informative. However, if you ever have questions or concerns, please contact the Tech support department.

Some Tips

For those of you who work on a Windows computer, here are some helpful hints sent to me one day.


TIP #1: If you need to highlight a lot of files in a windows application, simply highlight
the first file, move to the last file, hold down the shift key, and click on the last file. All
files in between will be highlighted. This comes in real handy if you need to delete a lot
of files or move them to another directory. It's also handy for deleting a lot of messages
in your mailbox.

TIP #2: You can copy a file to another directory using windows explorer by holding
down the control key when you drag and drop the file on the directory you are copying
the file to.

Note: we assume no responsibility for anything these tips may do to your computer.

Novel ideas, eh?

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