by John Haley
For more information about Swoop, be sure to check out the preview article in the March issue of The Ambrosia Times. Better yet, download it and find out yourself what all the hubbub is about.
These bloodthirsty Shadow Swoopers are closing in for the kill. Ouch! That was like hitting a mosquito with a hammer. They really did a number on that George Pal ship.
The Failsafe Class Bombing Drone is really laying it on thick. Even worse, just like horseshoes, hand grenades and hydrogen warfare, those red bombs just have to be close to ruin your day.
That’s more like it. Lets show these Swoopers
who’s boss around here. With the Gravemaker
full auto plasma cannon, you can really go to work.
Don’t hit the yellow Imperial Flagship yet.
Wait until that sucker is in flight and you can
fill up your weapons locker. Remember: “When the
going gets tough, the tough get a bigger gun...”
Everyone likes to “rock-n-roll” on full auto, but
remember that accuracy is really important if
you are trying to get a high score, or need an
extra life. A good trick is to shoot at the Swoopers
as they fly under their own formation. This way,
if you miss, your shot will find some other target.
Here comes trouble. Once that
Spider touches down, he is
going to slide over and put the
bite on you. Better check your
toy chest for some sort of
defense yummie. Otherwise
you’re through.
The Swoopers just don’t quit. They must multiply like rabbits, because there is no end to them. Hang on as long as possible and take as many of the beasties out with you. Eventually though, the vicious little things will overrun your position and all hope will be lost.